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July 1, 2024

Dear WCSMA Colleagues:


Happy summer!  As I write the first President’s message for the two years that I will be serving you in this role, I am ever so eager to write about how excited I am to roll up my sleeves and collaborate with you in furthering music education in Westchester County.

But I’ll save that for August!  We are in the midst of arguably the shortest two months of the year in the life of a teacher – our time to rest, recharge, and regroup ahead of the critical work that we do for our children and families from September to June.  I sincerely hope that each of you is taking time to do each of these three R’s ahead of us returning to school at the end of August.

So in the meantime, first please take a moment to ensure that you have noted the 2024-25 Festival Dates in your calendar.

Second, a big thank you and congratulations are in order for our now-immediate Past President, Jamie Stroffolino.  He beautifully outlined in his May 18 farewell message a few of the many wonderful things accomplished by the WCSMA Board and all of you during his tenure as President.  However, Jamie is too modest to also share that in the last nine months of his presidency, he has led us through multiple transitions as an organization while simultaneously navigating his own transitions of getting ready to start a new job and preparing for and ultimately welcoming a new baby in May.  So make sure you heartily thank Jamie the next time you see him!

Finally, I look forward to building on this work with the WCSMA Board of Directors and you over the next two years.  I am here to be supportive of each of you musically, pedagogically, and personally.  In that spirit, I’d love to hear from each of you about your experiences as a WCSMA member via this brief survey.  I too am resting, recharging, and regrouping this summer, but know that my door as your President remains wide open.  I am around throughout the summer save for the first half of July and the middle two weeks of August – when I am in town, I will usually be able to answer emails within a few hours; it may take a few days when I am away.  At any point during the summer if you have any need that I can help with or anything you wish to share with me as your President, please don’t hesitate to write!

Enjoy your summer, and we’ll see you at the start of the school year!


Best wishes,

Jon Riss, WCSMA President
